The Super Purity Solvents, Acids and Reagents produced by ROMIL have long been well established and appreciated in laboratories where constantly higher purities are demanded by modern instrumental analytical methods. Whilst the demand for these high purity products continues to grow, we have recognised that there is a complementary need for reagents that are suitable for both routine classical analysis and other general purpose laboratory procedures. So, for many years we have offered a parallel line of solvents and acids to meet this need and designated ROMIL-SA™ (SA=Select-Assured™).

Now, in response to many customer requests this range has been complemented with a number of salts and solid reagents that also find everyday use in the laboratory environment. These too bear the ROMIL-SA™ branding and are the first in what is to become a comprehensive list that will result in greater choice for laboratory and purchasing professionals at a time when that choice is being steadily eroded by mergers and acquisitions within the laboratory supply sector.
All ROMIL-SA™ products are carefully specified to ensure 'fitness for purpose', and to provide the guarantees and quality assurances sought. Conveniently packaged, and labelled in accordance with GLP/ISO 17025 principles, the ROMIL-SA™ range more than meets the need for classical analysis, where performance and good value for money go hand in hand.
With ROMIL-SA™ reagents, you can be certain of the same combination of high quality and customer service that you have come to expect from ROMIL, the leader in higher purity solvents, acids and reagents for today's laboratory. So why not change to ROMIL Select-Assured™ today?